About us

We are a small service-connected disabled combat veteran-owned small business.

We are all about relationships and not transactions.

Sandy Schupper is the sole proprietor

Sandy (He Him) lives in Fairfield County Connecticut and has been passionate about guns of all kinds since age 15. Age 76 now.   In about 2022 that passion was solely directed to PCP airguns with exceptional accuracy and standard deviation in velocity.

Sandy shoots every day in his backyard at 50m for 2 or 3 hours a day.  It's actually therapeutic.

Sandy is an addict, thanks to Matt Reinhardt and Pyramyd Air.  And you are hereby warned that this addiction to PCP is contagious.

Sandy (He Him) started AirgunDirect.com to provide fair prices and exceptional personal service to his customers.  Sandy lives by and follows The Golden Rule.

In doing business with AirgunDirect.com, you will not only help support a SBA Certified Service-Connected Disabled Combat Verteran-owned Small Business, but will get the "back in the day" kind of customer relationship that you deserve on some of the finest PCPs and accessories on the market.  Sandy actually shoots these products every day in his backyard at 50m.  Competing against himself.  He's OCD.

This is what you expect and deserve.  You will not be disappointed.  60 day 100% Satisfaction guaranteed on all non-consumable products.

Sandy and AirgunDirect.com live by The Golden Rule

Thank you for your business.  I really appreciate it !!